Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Twelve-month check-up

Tobin had his 12-month doctor's visit earlier this week. It seems that his "off the charts" numbers continue to come down to more realistic ranges--especially his length, which is closer to where Matt and I probably fall on the growth charts. :) Oh, and I guess his head size is still way up there. Everything looks good overall. We've been fortunate to have had a relatively illness-free late winter/early spring.
Weight = 24 lbs. 10 oz. (75th percentile)
Length = 29.5 inches (40th percentile)
Head = 19 inches (95th percentile)
In other news, we're getting ready for summer. Tobin's preschool has graciously allowed us to take him out for the summer while holding his place for the fall, so T will spend the summer at home with his dad. The school has also allowed Tobin to stay in the infant room until we take him out for the summer. Ordinarily, he would have been promoted to the young toddler class room by his first birthday. He'll start his new class in the fall, not unlike regular school, I guess. We feel like that will be a better time for him to make the transition; we're all a little sad that he has to leave his "baby" class. The only drawback to Tobin staying home with Matt is that I will, admittedly, be envious. But, I've been promised weekly trips to Raleigh so the boys can have lunch with me, and I really don't have it too bad at work as the summer months at the Court tend to be kind of slow and relaxed. I don't feel too guilty leaving early every once in a while.

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