We are certainly sad to see the summer go, but what a lovely summer it was...
At the end of June/beginning of July, Tobin took his first-ever trip to Louisiana. We drove, which in hindsight (and for most people, in foresight) was not the best option. But Hannah hurt her back a few weeks before the big trip and we weren't comfortable boarding her. Plus, we had a fabulous new road-trip-ready car, Sirius radio, the iPod, and two able drivers. It's all kind of a blur now, but we actually drove from here to Louisiana in one day on the way there. I don't like to remember how long it took, except that Mapquest estimated 16 hours and it took longer than that. Again, not our best decision as parents. But Tobin did remarkably well, considering. And he's a pro at sub-10-hour trips in the car because of it now. We had a great time in Louisiana while we were there, spending the first few days at a state park in the northwestern part of the state and then traveling down to Lake Charles for the remainder. Tobin got to meet his Lantrip family: great-grandparents, two great-uncles and their families, and three great-aunts and their families. That means lots and lots of cousins, most of whom are my first cousins, which I think makes them T's second cousins? It was wonderful to share him with everyone although he was just getting into his more intense separation anxiety period and usually wanted Matt or me nearby--he wouldn't let just anyone pick him up without a little protest. Our time went too quickly, but we have next summer to look forward to...when we will almost certainly fly. :)
Our other big trip of the summer was at the beginning of August when we drove to Kentucky for a few days. There were far fewer people to visit during this trip but that made it very nice. Just us and the grandparents. Matt and I snuck away for TWO dates while we were there. And there was lots of playing with and watching Tobin do his new tricks, which included almost walking at that point.
Right before his 15-month birthday, Tobin started walking. I remember playing with him one Saturday, and he just stood up unassisted and took about seven steps toward me. It was if he had decided he was ready to really give this biped thing a go. Ever since, he's been practicing a lot. There are still lots of stumbles and some crawling, but he's walking for the most part. It's really odd in a way, because walking makes him look so grown-up yet when he's standing, he looks so small. The best thing about Tobin walking is that when I come home from work, I am greeted by an almost-running, smiley little boy who stumbles into my arms for a big hug. It's simply wonderful.
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