Saturday, August 01, 2009

One month old

This past Tuesday (7/28), Evan turned one month old, and we celebrated by taking him to the doctor for his four-week check-up. Like his previous two check-ups, the news was all good. He is thriving: weighing 12 lb. 5 oz. and measuring 22.5 in. long. This suggests that he is going to hover above the 95th percentile for most of his first year, like his brother. So, yes, he is nursing well.

one month old

Last week we enjoyed a visit from great aunts Louise and Bethany. Tobin loved having company to entertain and playing games on Bethany's laptop. And Evan obliged both guests by taking naps in their arms. Repeatedly. We all had a lovely time.

Generally, Evan seems to be settling into life outside the womb better and better. He is spending more of his longer waking periods looking around and taking it all in. He is smiling and occasionally cooing, which is cause for much celebration around here. Even Tobin seems to understand it's a big deal. Any routine we have involves around Tobin's waking, eating, and sleeping schedule, and Evan seems to go with the flow pretty well. He usually takes a big nap midday around the same time as his brother. He does have a knack for needing to eat or fuss around meal times, which means I eat a lot of meals with one hand or a little off schedule. His evening fussiness is still there, but it doesn't seem as intense as it was. Maybe we're just getting more confident in helping soothe him, or he's growing out of it. The only thing that really seems stressful to him is riding in the car. We took a 20-minute trip to see some friends the other day and he screamed for half of the ride and then just kind of zoned out. I remember Tobin being similarly scared by the car at his age, but after that T was an awesome traveler, so we have hopes the same will be true of Evan. Even with the occasional fussies, we're thrilled that he is a happy, healthy baby overall.

Evan turns five weeks old tomorrow. When Tobin was about that age, I made myself (oh, it was a struggle!) start studying for the Bar Exam. And that gave me about five weeks to prepare for that awful test. I am so thankful I am not having to do that this time around. It's pretty sweet that my only focus is on my boys and our home--and that is more than enough.

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