Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tobin's 4th Birthday

This is the 200th post on the Toblog, so it's only appropriate that it coincides with such an important day. On Tuesday, T turned 4. His mom and I repeated it out loud to ourselves a few times during the day, almost in disbelief. Has it really been 4 years since we brought a squirmy, fragile baby home?

Tobin's outfit for going home.

I took the day off work so we could all be together. We enjoyed a morning of phone calls from family, breakfast, and the T's first hesitant ride on his big-boy bike. After Evan's morning nap, we made a trip to Raleigh's Museum of Natural Sciences. Lunch was Chick Fil-A (the second of three meals T chose for us on the day), then we came home to play all afternoon. The video below is an attempt to share the big parts of the rest of our day with you. (The birthday party he mentions will be on Saturday, so there's still more fun to look forward to here.)


DMW said...

I loved watching that. He is such a precious little boy that Tobin.

Sewconsult said...

What a delight! Next year, he will probably be narrating his own video/blog. Evan looked pretty content to be out & about.
Aunt B